
Oral Health and Pregnancy [Infographic]

abet • September 30, 2014

One of the greatest joys in life is bringing a child into the world. Many expectant mothers are extremely cautious when preparing to have a baby. However, one area that definitely shouldn’t go unnoticed is your oral health.

Tribeca Smiles is a family dental practice that services a wide variety of expectant mothers and caregivers. We take great pride in keeping our patients informed on the importance of maintaining their oral health and wellness while carrying their prescious bundle of joy.

It’s very important that mothers-to-be take good care of their teeth and gums while pregnant. Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that increase the risk of developing gum disease that can affect the health of your developing baby.

Expectant mothers should make a dental appointment prior to pregnancy to ensure effective cleaning and care for the teeth and gum tissue. Also by reguarly visiting the dentist you can be sure to catch any problems early on before getting pregnant.

Oral Health and Pregnancy

While pregnant women should be sure not to miss any of their dental appointments simply because their pregnant. Regular periodontal exams are especially important during pregnancy than other times in your life. Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that put mothers at increased risk for periodontal disease, otherwise known as pregnancy gingivitis.

You can find out more on how to properly care for your teeth during pregnancy on WebMD.

Take a look at the below infographic for more visual understanding of oral health and pregnancy:

Oral Health and Pregnancy

If you, or someone you know, is looking for a dentist to service them during their pregnancy give Tribeca Smiles a call.

Here at Tribeca Smiles we believe a smile goes a long way.

This entry was posted in Tribeca Smiles Dental Blog and tagged dentist for pregnant women nyc, dentist for pregnant women tribeca, dentist while pregnant, dentistry for pregnant women, family dentist tribeca, going to dentist while pregnant, Oral Health and Pregnancy [Infographic], pregnant dentist, pregnant dentist tribeca, tips for oral care pregnant on September 30, 2014 by tribecasmiles.

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