
3 Clues That You May Have Bad Breath, and How You Can Stop It!

abet • February 14, 2016

No one likes breath odor, however it can be a difficult subject for people to bring up. Here are 3 clues that you may have bad breath and no one has the heart to break it to you.

When you get closer to friends to share something they instinctively back away. It’s not always the case of breath odor but more times than less they have smelt bad breath. The average person afer smelling sour breath will back away. That is a hint that maybe you should visit the Dentist.

Lick the back of your hand. Let the saliva dry then take a whiff.

Sounds gross but that’s generally what your breath smells like. If the odor is pungent then you know that you have bad breath.

Ask your mate, relative or closest friend.

Sometimes we have to honestly just outright ask the people closest to us. These are the same people that do not want to hurt your feelings but will be honest when asked.

So what should you do if you have determined that you have mouth odor? Well It can happen for various reasons: Lack or improper brushing, gum desease, cavities, dry mouth, lack of tongue brushing, stomach problems, tonsil issues, diet, drug abuse, alchohol abuse, smoking, thumb sucking, poor oral hygiene and even certain foods. The one sure thing you can do is visit the dentist and we will help you pin point the cause and solve the breath odor.

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Avalene Roberts RDH

Tribeca Smiles

This entry was posted in Tribeca Smiles Dental Blog and tagged bad breath, bad breath remedies, benefits of flossing, cosmetic dental procedures, cosmetic dentist soho, cosmetic dentist tribeca, crooked teeth, dentist in tribeca on February 14, 2016 by Avalene Roberts.

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