
Dental Cleanings: The Key to Optimal Oral Health

Tribeca Smiles • August 18, 2022

There's nothing better than the feeling you get after one of life's little pleasures: dental cleanings dentist. Yet seeing the dentist is something that many people tend to avoid. There are many reasons this could be the case.

Around 36% of people in the US have a fear of dental treatments and 12% have what's called an extreme fear of dentists. As well as this, many people feel they don't have the time or money to see the dentist.

But regular tooth cleaning by a dentist is so important. Read on to find out why.

Reduce Your Plaque Levels

Over time a substance called plaque builds up on your teeth. This happens to everyone no matter what kinds of food and drinks you consume. The bacteria in plaque can release acids that attack your tooth enamel.

Left unchecked this can lead to cavities. What's more a build-up of plaque can also cause gum disease.

This is why it's so important to brush your teeth each night and every morning. But there are also difficult areas that your toothbrush can't clean easily. A combination of flossing and regular deep dental cleaning from your dentist will pick up what brushing can't.

Fight Against Bad Breath

Halitosis affects as many as 30% of people in the US. Poor oral hygiene is one of the leading causes. But there are some things you can do to reduce it.

Excellent dental hygiene practices will help to reduce your chances of developing halitosis. This means brushing your teeth, flossing, and having a regular professional tooth cleaning.

Improve Your Overall Health

Did you know that your oral health is connected to your overall health? Having bacteria build up in your mouth can lead to issues in other areas of your body. These include increasing your risk of heart failure and infections.

To promote health in the rest of your body, you need to clean your teeth to maintain oral health. Keep your oral hygiene in tip-top shape with a dental cleaning.

How often should you get your teeth cleaned?

You use your mouth countless times a day, every single day. You eat, drink, speak, and cough—all producing bacteria and plaque in your mouth. Because of this, cleaning as much as possible is essential.

When it comes to brushing yourself, it's recommended you brush at least twice a day and floss once daily. When it comes to dental cleanings, dentists say that having your teeth cleaned twice a year at least is best.

Dental Cleanings from Your Dentist in New York NY

Regular dental cleanings are one of the best things you can do our your oral health. They can even help improve your overall health as well. If you're interested in having your teeth professionally cleaned then you've come to the right place.

Get in touch with a member of the Tribeca Smiles team today. We'll be happy to arrange an appointment for you at your earliest convenience.

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